Thursday, 5 July 2012

Colour Palette - Greys and Brights

Having attended New Designers Exhibition last week in London, I was able to see the work of all the top graduates from around the country. There was such a variety of work and due to our stand being on the balcony, I was able to see everyones work almost from a birds eye view! Every stand was so colourful and has inspired me to create this next blog. Walking around the show, there was lots of brights mixed with greys. I think this palette works so well together because even though it incorporates bright bold shades it doesn't feel over powering. The greys give it a quirky feel and the brights make it feel summery. Here are a few pictures to demonstrate this colour palette.

Saturday, 17 March 2012

Inspiration for new project - Children's wallpaper

For my final year project at uni, I am designing wallpaper for children with a theme of childhood memories'. This will include things that I loved to do as a child such as going to the circus, funfair, seaside and park. In developing the theme and project, I have done market research into existing wallpaper designs.  These are some of the inspiring prints!!